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Scientific Name: Fraxinus Americana
Wood Feature: The sapwood part is light brown, while the heartwood is brown or grayish brown. Ash wood does not have an unpleasant taste. The wood grain pattern is typically straight with a uniform coarse surface. The light color of sapwood, as well as other properties, will vary by region of growth.
Applications: The Ash Wood is characterized by its strength, hardness, weight, and resistance to bumps. This wood is second only to hickory wood for use in the imanufacture of hand tools. Most of the baseball bats are made from Ash Wood. This wood is also used to create furniture, antique cair parts, canoe beams, snow boots, boats, doors and wooden cabinets.
Classification of wood:
Number 1 Common (No. 1C):
Grade 1C consists of boards with a minimum width of 3 inches and a minimum length of 4 feet, and a clean cross-section that is between 66 percent and the minimum FAS requirement of 83 percent. The minimum allowable clean cross-section is 3 inches wide - 3 feet long and 4 inches wide - 2 feet long. Both sides of the board must meet the minimum requirements of class 1C.
Number 2A Common (No. 2AC):
Grade 2A Common consists of boards with a minimum width of 3 inches and a minimum length of 4 feet, and a clean cross-section that is between 50 percent and the minimum Grade 1C requirement of 66 percent. The minimum allowable clean cross-section is 3 inches wide, 2 feet long. In case worst side of the wood board meet the minimum requirements of Grade 2C Common, the other wooden surface will not be mentioned.
Standard Thickness:
4/4 (1’’ = 25.4mm)
5/4 (1 ¼‘’ = 31.8mm)
6/4 (1 ½‘’ = 38.1mm)
8/4 (2’’ = 50.8mm)
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